New album news

We are very pleased to announce that there will be a new Untied Knot album in 2017, mixing is in the final stages and we are looking for a friendly label to release it.

In other news, RIM ACD will be appearing at Sonic Imperfections‘ Xmas Special at The Montague Arms, Queens Road, London SE15 on 13/12/16. More details here.


Nigel is also working on a setting of an extract from Finnegans Wake to music for the Waywords and Meansigns project. More about this to follow…

RIM ACD in Bradford and Lancaster

Nigel will be performing a RIM ACD electronics set at Fuse Art Space in Bradford on Saturday 17th September 2016 (replacing the The Untied Knot appearance previously announced), also playing Isnaj Dui. 8pm, entry £4.

RIM ACD will also appear on Sunday 18th September at The Gregson Centre, 33 Moorgate, Lancaster LA1 3PY on a bill with improvising trio Grew, Blezard & Simpson. Entry £3.


Rummaging Open Jack Takeover! 29/6/16

Nigel and Sonic Imperfections cohort Ian Faragher took part in this night of mayhem hosted by Henry Collins and Robin Foster on 29th June 2016.

Including participation in a performance of Michael Shaw’s “Feedback – A Score For Two or More Mobile Phones” and as part of the Rummaging Orchestra.

Thanks to everyone who came along and all performers for a massively fun night!